Project Categories: 小型掘进设备





在研究了不同的技术之后,Vichitra购买了一台直径1.5米、刀盘直径11.5英寸的罗宾斯小型隧道掘进机 SBU-A)和一台罗宾斯60-1270螺旋掘进机(ABM)。这项技术由罗宾斯隧道和非开挖技术(印度)私人有限公司提供,这是一家位于新德里的当地子公司,该公司还向承包商提供技术支持、机组人员和刀具改造服务。


大部分的交叉地段由石英岩(无侧限抗压强度为200-150 MPa/2,9000-3,6000psi)组成,附有一些土壤和淤泥地带。




Breakthrough of Robbins SBU-A after excavating two rail crossings







总承包商NACAP /Land & Marine公司建造许多阶段III的交叉地段,将一些硬岩交叉地段分包给了当地承包商B&W隧道建设有限公司(B&W)。B&W使用了三台直径1.2米(48英尺)的罗宾斯As小型隧道掘进机和两台直径1.2米(48英寸)的罗宾斯Ms小型隧道掘进机挖掘63个长度在20-80米(65-260英寸)之间的交叉地段。


大多数的交叉地段都位于带有一些粘土和砾石粉砂岩和泥岩 (无侧限抗压强度为70-200 MPa/10,000-29000psi)之中,附有一些粘土和碎石夹层。






所有的交叉地段都得以成功贯通,一般平均每小时进尺1.5-2.0米(5-6.5英尺)。每一个由小型隧道掘进机贯通的交叉地段都使用了直径1.2米(48英寸)的螺旋钻孔机,并且需要一个24(80英尺)长乘 3米(10英尺)宽的浅始发井。令人难以置信的是,三台小型隧道掘进机完成了53个长30米(100英尺)的交叉地段(共掘进约1600/5300英尺),全程仅更换了一个刀具






200612月,里士满市卫生区和总承包商布拉克尼公司(Brackney, Inc)签订了一份价值470万美元的合同,建造切斯特大切斯特大道截流下水道。该下水道在新管道基础上延伸3.2公里(2英里),为一个商业区和附近的医院提供排污服务。随后,布拉克尼公司将河流和步行古道下方4处交叉隧道的硬岩挖掘工作分包给了中西部摩尔公司(Midwest Mole, Inc.)。中西部摩尔公司选择了直径1.2(48英寸)小型掘进机用于挖掘最短的2处隧道(长度为55/180英尺),以及直径1.4米(54英寸)的单护盾小型硬岩掘进机用于挖掘2段最长的隧道(每段长度为120/400英尺)







20073月,中西部摩尔公司打通了第一个长120(400英尺) 的交叉隧道。小型硬岩掘进机被焊接在直径140(54英尺)的主钢制套筒上,通过管顶系统从探井中启动。掘进机平均每10小时/班内掘进6-8(20-26英寸),按规定时间和坡度要求完成贯通。第二个交叉隧道在20075月开挖,掘进机取得了高达9(30英尺)每班次的更高掘进速度。




Double Shield Rockhead for Glenwood Cable Tunnel ProjectEIC组织于2006年签约,在美国康涅狄格州的斯坦福德(Stamford)、达利恩(Darien)和诺瓦克(Norwalk)建造超过13公里(8英里)的115千伏输电线路。最后的系统包括由92条供电库和62个电线杆组成的3相电路。EIC使用了一台罗宾斯直径1.50米(60英寸)的双护盾小型硬岩掘进刀机(SBU-RHDS),在达利恩的地铁北铁路下挖出两个十字路口,结果发现这是条特别困难的岩石隧

由于非常糟糕的地质条件,Hayward-Baker, Inc的子公司G.Donaldson,为项目座了两种预灌浆。采用的两种灌浆方式是:水平灌浆以稳定隧道的对齐方式,以及在公路和铁路结构周围的垂直灌浆,以降低表面沉降的风险。



开挖区域的探索性测试发现,高度断裂的元石英陨石,从单轴抗压强度达5000到20000 psi(35到140 兆帕),岩石质量平均为45%。由于不稳定的地质条件,隧道的位置又降低了3米(9英尺)。然而,进一步的测试发现这里也有大量的断裂带。






Double Shield Rockhead for Glenwood Cable Tunnel Project





SBU-A for Locust Street Sewer Project

在俄勒冈州的泰格德市,西北推土机公司(Northwest Earthmovers Inc.)作为总承包商为项目业主清洁水服务公司(Clean Water Services),建造了长度超过1.8公里(1.1英里) 的重力下水道。冈萨雷斯掘进和隧道挖掘公司(Gonzales Boring & Tunneling)作为分包商,负责完成三个交叉隧道的挖掘工作,这也是第6335号洛克斯特街道卫生改善项目的一部分。三个交叉隧道的测量长度分别是70(230英尺)183(600英尺)98(320英尺)。隧道内安置着直径450毫米(18英寸)PVC输送管,用来增加该地区的污水容量,终结目前一直困扰排污系统的溢水问题。



第一个交叉隧道的岩石构造由黏土和玄武岩构成,第二个交叉隧道则由强度从4882兆帕(700012000 /平方英寸)不等的玄武岩构成。交叉隧道区域还散布着带有污垢的小巨石。





SBU-A for Locust Street Sanitary Project





2005年,项目业主将该管道工程承包给了隧道系统公司(Tunnel Systems Inc.)。承包商一开始使用的是一种带有圣诞树形状的头部附件的螺旋钻孔机,但在挖掘到深度59英尺(4.9米)处,当他们开始在坚硬的岩石上钻孔时遇到了问题。接下来两天的钻孔工作仅推进了16英尺(4.9) 于是,隧道系统公司从罗宾斯公司租赁了一台直径30英寸(762毫米)的小型钻孔机(SBU) 来完成剩下的挖掘工作。









Tahoe Forest Hospital District Central Energy Plant Prep Project

Project Overview

The Tahoe Forest Hospital is an expanding healthcare center located in Truckee, California. In autumn 2010, they were in the process of designing a new cancer wing when it was determined that additional utility and mechanical lines were required before the new building could be built. To house the bundled utilities, three crossings needed to be bored directly below the active main hospital.

General contractor AM-X Construction & Excavation, Inc. subcontracted the three parallel 21 m (70 ft) sections to Silver State Boring Inc. Due to variable ground conditions and hospital noise constraints, the contractor opted for a Robbins SBU-A with a mixed ground head. This was the first time Silver State had used this type of cutterhead, but they were confident that it was the right machine for the job.


The hospital is set on ground containing large granite boulders, and Silver State was worried that one of these rocks would be hit during boring. This concern was actualized 7.6 m (25 ft) into the first bore when the SBU-A caught the edge of a boulder about 3.7 m (12 ft) in diameter. During the second bore, the machine drilled straight through the same boulder. Additional boulders of 175 MPa (25,000 psi) UCS were encountered during the third bore, and the SBU-A successfully powered through them as well.

What is a Mixed Ground SBU-A?

The Robbins SBU-A is a circular cutting head mounted with a combination of tungsten carbide bits, single disc cutters, and multi-row disc cutters. The SBU-A is available in diameters from 600 mm to 1.8 m (24 to 72 in), and can excavate a wide variety of hard rock and mixed ground conditions including dry soils, clay, cobbles and boulders from 25 to 175 MPa (4,000 to 25,000 psi) UCS.

During boring, the SBU-A is welded to an Auger Boring Machine (ABM), which provides both torque and thrust to the cutting head. Drag bits scrape soil from the machine face, while disc cutters excavate sections of rock. Muck scrapers scoop the excavated rock into large openings in the cutterhead, allowing for a smooth flow of muck from the face to the auger string.


The SBU-A bored 2 m (8 ft) below the hospital’s foundation for the three jack-and-bore crossings. Straight bores were needed due to tight exit space, and each one began with a 609 mm (24 in) thick concrete starting block to keep the machine properly aligned. In addition, the older hospital has many buried utilities that needed to be cut and bypassed during site excavation. To make sure that everything would run smoothly, Robbins field service technicians visited the site prior to launch to assist with setup and crew training.

The first of the three bores began in October 2010, and by November 2010 all three bores were successfully completed. Advance rates for the duration of the project were approximately 3 m (10 ft) per day.

Due to the low torque and impact of the SBU-A, little stress was put on the ABM, no cutter changes were needed between bores, and the hospital was unaffected by noise or vibration during boring. Silver State was very pleased with the results, and used the technology again in 2011 for 609 mm (24 in) diameter bore in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada.

City of Clinton Contract B Force Main Project

Project Overview

The Iowan towns of Clinton, Camanche and Low Moor have been identified as communities in desperate need of updated wastewater treatment systems. The towns all have over 10,000 residents, but their water and sewer treatment plants are inadequate and often over capacity. In 2009, a statewide recovery program called I-JOBS was created in Iowa, and USD $20 million in project funding was allocated to improving water quality. These funds were set aside for water treatment projects in the three towns.

The City of Clinton awarded their portion of the funding, USD $9.5 million, to general contractor Merryman Excavation. Illinois-based L.J. Keefe Co. was chosen as the sub-contractor for the project. The contract, known as City of Clinton Contract B Force Main, called for six crossings below roadways and rivers, three of which required TBM tunneling. The remaining three crossings required SBUs. Two Robbins SBU-As were chosen for the 26.2 m (250 ft) and 82.3 m (270 ft) runs, and a third Robbins motorized SBU (SBU-M) was selected for the 120.4 m (395 ft) crossing.


The 26.2 m (250 ft) and 82.3 m (270 ft) crossings undercut the Mississippi river, and were identified as hard rock bores of over 70 MPa (10,000 psi) UCS in which SBU-As would be the best choice. The longest crossing was below traffic-heavy Highway 67, and testing of the area revealed a mixed face of sand, clay and 70 MPa (10,000 psi) UCS hard rock. Due to the variable ground conditions, the contractor opted for a 1.8 m (72 in) SBU-M, the largest of its kind yet built.

About the SBU-A

The Small Boring Unit (SBU-A) is a hard rock and mixed ground circular cutterhead which utilizes an Auger Boring Machine (ABM) and steel casing. During excavation, the SBU-A is welded to the lead casing while the ABM provides torque and forward thrust to the cutterhead.

The SBU-A is available in diameters ranging from 600 mm to 1.8 m (24 to 72 in), and its single disc cutters are capable of excavating rock from 25 to over 175 MPa (4,000 to over 25,000 psi) UCS. The cutters penetrate the rock face, creating a “crush zone” through which fractures occur. Material between adjacent crush zones falls from the face into muck buckets in the cutterhead. A full face auger is used to transfer the muck for removal.

About the SBU-M

The SBU-A’s cousin, the SBU-M, is a motorized SBU used for longer bores and line-and-grade critical crossings. In similar fashion to the SBU-A, the SBU-M is welded or bolted to the lead casing of an ABM. The machine is continuously steered by way of an operator’s console in the rear shield. A laser targeting system is used to monitor the machine’s heading. These features allow for increased accuracy and continuous monitoring, which was needed on the 120.4 m (395 ft) bore due to the mixed ground geology, strict line-and-grade requirements, and crossing length.


In November and December 2011, the 1.5 m (60 in) and 1.06 m (42 in) SBU-As, respectively, were launched 9.1 m to 10.6 m (30 to 35 ft) beneath a tributary of the Mississippi River. Each utilized an 18.3 m (60 in) ABM to excavate in the hard rock conditions. Both SBU-As broke through on time and within line-and-grade specifications. The first SBU reached completion on December 20, 2011, and its counterpart did the same on February 10, 2012. Each averaged advance rates of 6.1 m (20 ft) per day.

The 1.8 m (72 in) SBU-M was launched in January 2012 from a 7.6 m (25 ft) launch pit. Although the machine encountered an unexpectedly long drive of hard clay just 4.6 m (15 ft) into its bore, crews were able to keep moving by adding water through the cutterhead and the casing. This kept the muck coming through without contaminating the disc cutters.

Although challenging, advance rates of 6.2 m (20 ft) per day were maintained in the softer ground conditions. After about 70.1 m (230 ft) worth of clay, the machine hit solid rock for the remainder of the run. While in hard rock, rates increased to about 90.1 m (30 ft) per day.

On February 14, 2012, the SBU-M broke through into a receiving pit. It finished within line-and-grade requirements with very little deviation, even in the mixed face ground conditions during initial boring.

Shayler Run Segment C Sewer Replacement Project

Project Overview

Seven new sewer tunnels were recently completed in Ohio’s Clermont County, replacing an outdated and exposed system that was dumping raw sewage into local Shayler Creek. Since 1978, when the previous pipeline was installed, the creek had eroded, exposing the pipe and putting certain sections of the line at high risk of failure. For all of these reasons, a new pipeline needed to be installed far below the environmentally-sensitive waterway.

The Clermont County Water Resources Department hired Indianapolis contractor Midwest Mole for the $15M USD project, and chose to use only one machine for the seven tunnels. A 1.8 m (72 in) diameter Robbins Double Shield Rockhead was used to excavate all of the tunnels, totaling 2,900 m (9,513 ft). The contractor’s unique approach also included eliminating three shafts from the original bid, which shortened the project schedule and significantly lowered costs.

Ground Conditions

Because of the project location below the creek bed, ground conditions were highly varied, consisting of interbedded layers of limestone and shale that ranged from dry to sticky and wet. To accommodate the mixed ground, the machine was outfitted with a mixed ground cutterhead that could be swapped out for a hard rock cutterhead based on the ground conditions at each crossing.

The mixed ground cutterhead featured 6.5 in single disc cutters and carbide bits, while the hard rock cutterhead contained 11.5 in single cutters and abrasion-resistant muck scrapers. Both cutterheads had large openings which allowed for efficient cutter changes.

About the SBU-RHDS

The Robbins Double Shield Rockhead (SBU-RHDS) is a tunneling machine typically used on utility installations of over 150 m (500 ft). Its continuous steering capabilities and laser targeting system make it the ideal solution for line-and-grade critical installations such as the Shayler Run Segment C Sewer Replacement Project.

The SBU-RHDS is available in diameters from 1.4 to 2.0 m (54 to 78 in), and consists of a cutterhead optimized for mixed and hard rock ground conditions. The machine’s circular cutterhead contains disc cutters capable of excavating ground ranging from 25 to 175 MPa (4,000 to over 25,000 psi) UCS.

As the cutterhead rotates, the cutters penetrate the rock face creating “crush zones” through which fractures propagate. Material between adjacent crush zones is then chipped from the face. Muck scrapers scoop the muck into muck buckets, which transfer the muck onto a machine belt conveyor. Muck is transported offsite via conveyor belt or muck cars.


A total of seven tunnel crossings connected by eight shafts were constructed by Midwest Mole. The tunnels utilized the Rockhead, while the shafts were constructed using a combination of drill and blast techniques and manual excavation. A primary liner of ring beams and lagging was installed every 1.5 m (5 ft) at each crossing. Even with liner installation, high production rates of 12 to 18 m (40 to 60 ft) per 12-hour shift were maintained for the project duration.

Due to the gravity sewer construction, each tunnel had strict line-and-grade requirements of within 300mm (1 ft) of line at 1 to 2% grade, which was continuously monitored from an in-shield operator’s console. Over the course of the project, the variance resulted in a vertical change of 53.9 m (177 ft) causing the machine to bore through a wide range of ground conditions.

Excavation of the initial 484.3 m (1,589 ft) crossing began in May 2010 in mixed ground, and the Rockhead broke through to its first shaft site that August. After a few minor modifications to the hydraulic and muck haulage systems, the machine began boring the second 575.4 m (1,888 ft) crossing.

Crossings 3 and 4, 321.9 m (1,056 ft) and 304.8 m (1,000 ft), respectively, were excavated in December 2010 and January 2011 in adverse winter weather conditions. In order to keep tunneling during freezing temperatures, the contractor heated the machine’s cooling water overnight. Cooling water was recycled and filtered, then stored in 7, 500 l (2,000 gal) tanks with heaters. Using this technique, production rates stayed high and both crossings were successfully excavated by January 2011.

The Rockhead began its fifth and longest crossing of 613.8 m (2,014 ft) in April 2011, and reached a world record in tunneling distance for a hard rock machine of its 1.8 m (72 in) diameter. For the last two crossings, 402.3 m (1,320 ft) and 196.9 m (646 ft), respectively, the mixed ground cutterhead was replaced with its hard rock counterpart.

Due to negotiations with local landowners and a change in shaft location, the final crossing began in January 2012. A month later, the drive was completed. In July 2012, the entire project reached completion right on schedule, with all manholes and ancillary sewers tied in and in service.